A hearing test can help you understand what’s going on inside your ears. It shows an audiologist what state your hearing is in, and it can be a very beneficial test to take.

Having said that, these tests aren’t mandatory. In fact, most people have probably not had a hearing test since childhood. So, this begs the question; do you need one? Below, you’ll find a few little considerations that should help you decide whether or not you need a hearing test.

Do you find it hard to follow conversations?

Are you struggling to hear what people are saying? Does everyone feel like they’re mumbling or speaking really quietly? If so, then you probably need a hearing test as this is a sign that your speech recognition is very bad. As a result, you may have some degree of hearing loss.

Are you struggling to identify the source of a sound?

People with normal hearing can easily pinpoint where sounds are coming from. If there’s a noise from behind you, then you can turn around and look in the general direction of the source. But, if your hearing is poor, then you may struggle to locate the source of sounds. Its possible people are calling your name, but you can’t figure out where this sound is coming from. If this sounds like something that’s happening to you, then you need to call your audiologist and book that hearing test.

Do you listen to everything at higher volumes than most?

If you watch TV, listen to the radio or play music through headphones, then all of these things should be done at reasonably low volumes. There’s no need to turn the volume up high if your hearing is fine. On the other hand, what if you keep turning the volume up dangerously high? If people in your home are constantly asking you to turn down the TV, then that’s an indication that you’re listening to things at too high volumes. As a consequence, this indicates that you have difficulty hearing. So, book a hearing test to get checked out by an audiologist.

Have your ears been ringing for more than two weeks?

Most people will experience the sensation of ringing in their ears. This happens a lot, but it tends to go away. Even in extreme cases, the ringing sensation should subside within a week or two. So, if your ears have been ringing for longer than this, then that’s not a good sign. This ringing sensation means you have something called tinnitus and it can come or go. But, when it’s been around for weeks, this usually shows you have hearing loss. It’s one of the early indicators, so it’s best to book a hearing test.

Technically speaking, you don’t necessarily need a hearing test. Most people maintain their hearing health until their mid-sixties. But, if you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you most certainly do need a hearing test. Make sure you book one with a certified audiologist as they’re the best people to carry out this examination.