A professional ear cleaning isn’t always necessary. We all produce earwax, which plays a vital role in containing and removing bacteria and debris from the ear. However, some people produce more than others and enough of it can become a significant problem. Here are some signs you’re in need an ear cleaning from your hearing health professional.

1. A blocked or full sensation in your ear

The clearest sign that you need an ear cleaning is that you’re suffering from an earwax blockage. If you produce too much earwax that doesn’t dislodge from the ear alone, it can cause a blocked or full sensation in the ear. You can try cleaning it yourself by taking a warm shower and using the warm water to melt the wax before wiping off the outside of your ear with a towel. If that doesn’t work, you have a more stubborn build-up that needs professional help.

2. Any changes to your hearing

When your ear is suffering from an earwax impaction, it can naturally affect your hearing. Sounds may be muffled, distorted or quieter. What’s more, some people may start to experience a ringing or whistling sound, known as tinnitus. Tinnitus can affect many in the long-term, even after the initial cause of cleared up, so getting rid of it as soon as possible is recommended.

3. Your hearing device is getting clogged up by wax

If you wear a hearing aid with a mold that fits inside the ear, wax can cause damage to it over time. It can clog up microphones, tubing and other components. What’s more, the moisture in earwax can seep into the device and eventually cause the battery to corrode. Keeping your device clean at all times is essential, but if you produce more wax than others, it may be recommended you have your ears professionally cleaned on a more regular basis.

4. Your ear hurts, you feel dizzy or there is a bad smell from your earwax

Vertigo, earache and a sickly-sweet smell from your earwax could be signs of a potential ear infection. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Not only can it make you seriously sick, but it can also have a permanent effect on your hearing. If you experience any of these issues, regardless of whether or not you experience the other symptoms, make an appointment with your hearing health professional as soon as you can.

A hearing health professional may also advise that you get a professional ear cleaning for a variety of other reasons. These include reasons such as to help them better diagnose the potential causes of hearing loss or because they see the early signs of earwax impaction. If they recommend it, it’s likely for a very good reason that they will explain thoroughly.

If you experience one or more of the signs above, it’s wise to make an appointment with your hearing health professional today. There is no ear cleaning safer or more comprehensive than that from a professional.