Hearing tests are an essential tool in diagnosing and understanding hearing health. If you recently had a hearing test or are planning to have one you may be wondering what the results would reveal and how it will guide your treatment.

Hearing test results give a clear picture to your audiologist about how your ears are functioning. This will help them make informed decisions about how to take care of your hearing. After your hearing test, an audiologist will provide an audiogram. This is a visual representation of your hearing abilities. It is a chart that maps out your hearing thresholds from the softest sounds you can hear across different frequencies.

Types of Hearing Loss

There are three main types of hearing loss that you should be mindful of, once your testing is done your audiologist will discuss the type of hearing loss you are experiencing. Here are the three types of hearing loss:

  • Conductive hearing loss: This occurs when sound cannot efficiently travel through the outer or middle ear to the inner ear. It is often caused by a buildup of wax or fluid in the middle ear or issues with the eardrums or bones in the middle ear.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss: This is the most common type of hearing loss, caused by damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve. It can result from aging, genetics or noise exposure.
  • Mixed hearing loss: This involves a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. An audiologist will first address the conductive hearing loss, then use treatments like hearing aids.

What is the Severity of My Hearing Loss?

When you receive your hearing test results, they will show the severity of your hearing loss. The results are typically classified as mild, moderate, severe or profound. Mild hearing loss means you might have difficulty hearing soft sounds or understanding speech in noisy settings. Moderate hearing loss could make it harder to follow regular conversations, especially in busy environments. Severe hearing loss may make it challenging to hear most sounds, even in quiet places. Profound hearing loss is where only very loud sounds may be heard. Your audiologist will explain your results making sure you understand the severity of your hearing loss and guide you on the best ways to address your hearing needs.

Treatment Recommendations

Based on your hearing test results, your audiologist will create a personalized treatment plan. If you are experiencing hearing loss, your audiologist is going to recommend that you get a hearing aid. These devices are going to amplify sound for you and help you to hear in a range of different settings. It doesn’t matter if you are in a one-on-one conversation or group setting these hearing aids can help you. An audiologist can also provide a professional ear cleaning, if your hearing loss is caused by a buildup of earwax.

Your hearing results will tell you the type of hearing loss you have and the extent you are experiencing. These results will help an audiologist provide the best treatment for your unique needs. If you want to learn more about hearing tests, schedule an appointment with an audiologist.