When it comes to hearing and balance concerns, audiologists are the experts to turn to. If you find yourself facing issues like diminished hearing, trouble following conversations, or feeling off-balance, making an appointment with an audiologist is essential. If you notice any abrupt shifts in your hearing ability, experience vertigo or dizziness, or have lingering worries about your auditory health, don’t hesitate to seek the expertise of an audiologist. With the help of an audiologist’s intervention, you can effectively address hearing issues and improve your overall wellbeing.

Hearing loss 

For most people, hearing loss will be the primary condition that comes to mind if asked what an audiologist does. This association has good reason behind it, as audiologists are indeed experts in all aspects of hearing loss. Audiologists can administer diagnostic tests, analyze the results, prescribe hearing aids, and fit and program hearing aids for their patients – and this is true of all types of hearing loss, ranging from age-related hearing loss to conductive hearing loss.

Earwax issues 

Earwax is a natural substance that our ears rely on in order to maintain the best possible health, but for some people, ear wax can become problematic. When wax builds up in the canal, it can become impacted, which causes a myriad of symptoms ranging from discomfort and pain to hearing loss. When this happens, an audiologist can help resolve the issue by removing the earwax using trusted, reliable, and highly successful techniques.


Tinnitus is a condition that causes people to hear phantom sounds; rather than the sounds originating in the external world, the sounds are effectively created by the brain. Tinnitus can have significant impacts on a person’s quality of life, but usually responds well to treatment – should be monitored and managed by an audiologist. In addition, it is always important that anyone experiencing tinnitus seek the advice of an audiologist, given that the condition is strongly related to hearing loss.

Balance disorders 

Balance disorders – a classification that includes conditions such as vestibular migraines and Meniere’s disease – often have similar symptoms, such as vertigo, nausea and blurred vision. Though these disorders do not necessarily cause symptoms related to the ear, they nevertheless should be treated by an audiologist. The reason for this relates to the root cause of balance disorders, which is almost always found in the inner ear – which is, of course, an audiologist’s specialty. If you, or someone you know, experience any of the above conditions, then seeking the advice of an audiologist is the first step towards finding the treatment you require.