If you work in a noisy environment or you are constantly attending events where your  hearing is at risk, an audiologist may recommend that you invest in custom ear protection. Unlike regular earplugs, custom ear protectors are designed to fit your specific needs and provide you with the best form of protection. Anyone around noises over 85 decibels should consider investing in custom ear protection. You might be wondering why you need to invest in custom devices rather than the typical, regular types of protection. Well, there are four reasons that you should consider.

More comfortable

Whether you are around loud noise due to your job or your personal life, you’re likely going to need ear protection for more than a few minutes. You might be wearing it for hours or even for the entire working day. If that’s the case, you want it to be as comfortable as possible. If your ear protectors are not comfortable, then this could be a distraction and may even cause pain. It’s not uncommon for cheap, typical ear protectors to cause spots or cuts in the ear where they have been pushed or rubbed the wrong way, irritating the skin. This isn’t an issue with custom ear protectors. They are molded by an audiologist to fit your ears perfectly. As such, you’ll have no problems and will barely be able to tell you’re wearing them.

Less chance of infections

Cheap earplugs are often made of poor material. Unfortunately, this can be breeding ground for bacteria which may find its way into your ear causing infections. Ear infections are uncomfortable, awkward and unpleasant. They can cause severe pain and even impact your ability to hear. Custom ear protection offered by an audiologist has a special coating to prevent bacteria from building up on the surface. As such, you will be able to keep your ears clean and free of this issue.

More effective at protecting your ears

It’s true, custom ear protection is far more effective at stopping loud noises from damaging your ears. If you are protecting your ears, there should not be any air between the protector and your ear. This can be the case with cheap protectors that are not fitted for your ear shape. With custom ear protectors, you can cover all the gaps and make sure that no dangerous sound gets in.

Highly durable

Last but not least, it’s worth pointing out that custom ear protectors are far more durable. They are made by a stronger material that is resistant to water and other issues that could cause damage. As such, you don’t have to worry about needing to replace them every couple of weeks. They could last for days. While typical earplugs are cheaper in the short term, in the long run, custom protectors are the right financial choice. They often even come with a protective carrying case to make sure that you don’t lose them and can take them with you wherever you need to be.

We hope you find this information useful. Make sure you ask your audiologist about custom ear protection today.