There are so many different styles of hearing aids out there. Therefore, it is vital for you to choose the right one that fits your specific needs. Let's show you the three main styles:

In the canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids are made to fit partly within the ear canal. As they are small, manageable and incorporate a wide variety of features like manual controls, as well as directional microphones, as well as a longer battery life, they are very useful for people in their everyday lives. Some of the benefits include:

  • They are designed to fit an individual's ear. 
  • A better quality of sound. 
  • Very powerful for their small size, which is beneficial for people with moderate hearing loss. 
  • A discreet design for individuals who feel self-conscious.

In the ear (ITE)

This is a custom-made hearing aid is based on the anatomy of the individual. It can sit in the ear canal or the bowl of the ear. This is a hearing aid usually prescribed for individuals with severe levels of hearing loss, and can have a wide variety of technical features, such as Bluetooth connectivity and noise reduction. Some of the benefits include the following:

  • Great sound quality because it is a larger design, and therefore has larger amplification components. 
  • Most ITE hearing aids use a twin microphone system resulting in better quality and clarity. 
  • A simple design without external wires or tubing, making it more comfortable for the wearer. 
  • Easily disguisable for people who feel self-conscious.

Behind the ear (BTE)

It is usually attached to a custom-made earpiece and is a very recognizable style. As it is one of the most common types of hearing aids, it comes with significant features and benefits. Because it is close to the eardrum, this results in better hearing clarity. As it is customizable by an audiologist, it usually feels like a better fit. Some of the other benefits include:

  • Reliability: Because they are set behind the ear and have a customizable design, they are more reliable for the individual in their everyday lives.
  • A recommended hearing aid by audiologists at the outset: They are a one-size-fits-all approach to those experiencing hearing loss for the first time. Therefore, they suit a wide range of people with a wide variety of hearing impairment.
  • Complete control over your hearing aid, such as being able to alter the volume to your specific needs depending on the environment.

Choosing the right hearing aids depends on your individual needs. For example, you need to look at every part of your daily life and what hearing aid would suit each aspect. Many people also need to consider the right features for them, such as telecoil, direct audio input and noise reduction. Choosing the right hearing aid is crucial, but this is where your audiologist can point you in the right direction. The right hearing aid can improve the quality of your life significantly.