Whether you’re new to hearing aids or have decided that it’s time for a change, one of the most important decisions revolves around finding the right type of device. With a plethora of styles to choose from, you may be wondering if in-the-ear (ITE) devices are the right option for you.

Thousands of American hearing aid users are turning to them each month. Here’s all you need to know about them to make an informed decision.

A brief look at ITE hearing aids

ITE hearing aids are designed in full and half-shell varieties and sit in the outer bowl of the ear. They are suitable for individuals with mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss and come in a variety of neutral and bold colors, depending on your style preference.

The benefits of choosing ITE hearing aids

ITE hearing aids are an increasingly popular solution and appreciated for a whole host of reasons. Some of the most significant incentives for choosing this type of hearing aids include:

  • Discreteness: ITE hearing aids are mid-sized devices and can be designed to match the color of your skin. This means that the most inconspicuous hearing aids on the market by far.
  • Comfort: ITE hearing aids rest comfortably in the outer bowl of your ear, meaning that you won’t have the shell weighing your ear down from behind. Meanwhile, customized molds are sure to offer immense comfort.
  • Simplicity: ITE hearing aids are contained in a single unit, making it far easier to control every element. They can still offer advanced features like connections to other devices too.
  • Repairs: ITE hearing aids don’t require tubing like BTE units, which can save you the time, money and repairs on extra parts.
  • Feedback: ITE hearing aids can fill a large surface area. In turn, this means that you are far less likely to suffer feedback or distortion.

The limitations of hearing aids

While ITE hearing aids are certainly brilliant at what they do, it’s important to accept their limitations too. After all, nobody wants to invest in the wrong type of hearing aids. These are the issues that need to be considered:

  • Telephone receivers may need to be held in unnatural positions to hear the sound output.
  • Even a slight change in the shape of the ear will mean you need to have alterations done to best fit your anatomy.

Even with those issues in mind, the benefits easily outweigh the potential negatives. Under the right circumstances, ITE hearing aids can be the best option on the market.

However, you’ll want to be sure that they are a suitable option for your specific requirements, which is why it’s crucial you talk to your audiologist about the best device for your needs.