If you’ve ever experienced a ringing in your ears, whether intermittent or constant, you may have tinnitus. This condition can be caused by a number of factors, and while a cure isn’t currently available, there are several remedies for it. While many instances of tinnitus will resolve within 24-48 hours, if your condition remains or becomes more persistent, it’s time to seek out the help of an audiologist. Prior to your audiologist appointment, there are some lifestyle modifications you can make to help reduce your symptoms.

Here are some useful strategies to get relief from the irritation that is tinnitus:

Switch to decaf

Caffeine is the fuel that propels many of us through difficult and demanding work days. Caffeine has been shown to increase our blood pressure, which in turn, can increase our risk of tinnitus. Additionally, an excess of caffeine can exacerbate stress, which also heightens blood pressure. Try switching to decaf on stressful workdays. And trying a little mindfulness meditation to manage stress isn’t a bad idea either.

Ditch the salty snacks

Like caffeine, sodium is also a contributor to high blood pressure and puts increased strain on your blood vessels. You should ditch the salty snacks sitting in your desk drawer and replace them with healthier alternatives. 

Protect your ears

Tinnitus often manifests immediately after we have been exposed to loud noises. If you work with heavy machinery or in a particularly noisy environment, it’s important to protect your ears with earplugs. 

These will mute the sound around you without preventing you from being able to hear when people are talking to you. So, you can get on with your job without worrying about tinnitus.

Soft sounds in silent spaces

Tinnitus is especially troublesome in quiet spaces. Thus, it’s a good idea to make background noise your new best friend. Try listening to some soft music on a low volume setting. Or put on some talk radio or podcasts. You’ll likely find that a steady hum of background noise makes tinnitus a lot less discernible.

See your audiologist

While all of the above can be useful strategies for coping with tinnitus, it’s imperative to note that this condition is the symptom rather than the problem. Your audiologist can help you to get relief from tinnitus by addressing the causes.

They may be able to advise on correct ear protection, clean out excess earwax that can result in tinnitus or recommend masking devices or retraining therapy.

In the majority of cases, a hearing instrument can help to mitigate the effects of tinnitus. There are even some hearing aids on the market that emit a frequency that masks the sound of tinnitus. 

With this in mind, your audiologist is your greatest ally in the battle against tinnitus.