There are several different types of hearing aids that people can choose from today, but there are three very common hearing aid types that people choose from. The audiologist that you see is going to help you to pick the right hearing aid for your needs, as well as your budget and your lifestyle. All of these factors are just as important as what the hearing aid can offer you, and each hearing aid type comes with its own set of features. Let's go through the options for you so that you're well aware of which hearing aids your audiologist could point out for you:

In the canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids are similar to other types available, and they have their own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. These are small and discreet and sit in the ear canal, but for some, they're too small and can easily be lost or damaged when outside the ear. Due to their size, they can be challenging to clean, and it's difficult to replace the battery. ITC hearing aids are excellent for those who don't want their hearing aids to be seen and have no dexterity issues. They're an attractive choice for those who wish to maintain their lifestyle and have a level of discretion.

Behind the ear (BTE)

Another hearing aid type that your audiologist will recommend to you is the behind-the-ear style of hearing aids. These have been around for a very long time, and they're one of the most powerful hearing aids on the market. They sit behind the ear, and they're versatile for those who have hearing loss. There is a small unit that sits right behind the ear, with a small tube with a speaker on the end that feeds into your ear, and this plays the amplified sound. Filtering and processing, as well as other features, are contained in the interior of the unit, and this is where the buttons and the microphone live, too. These are a reliable option and not as fussy about changing batteries compared to other hearing aid types. They are more significant in size than ITE hearing aid types, and they can be a little bit heavier than the smaller ones on the market. BTE hearing aids are not ideal for those who are looking for more discretion as they are obvious to the outside world.

In the ear (ITE)

ITE hearing aids are custom-made as they are designed to the specific shape of the ear. These will take up the most space in the ear and yet remain one of the most comfortable units on the market. They have one single unit with all the components housed in the shall. They're easier to handle as they are just a simple, single device, and yet if there are issues with the hands, they may still be harder to handle. This hearing aid is known for issues as the microphone and speakers are close together, so speak to your audiologist about this first.