Occasionally, the question comes up as to whether you need custom earplugs. In a nutshell – not necessarily. But it all depends on the level of hearing protection you require and whether a custom-fit will make you more likely to wear them. 

Custom earplugs are simply earplugs manufactured to conform to the precise shape of your inner ear. They tend to be more costly than traditional versions, but they may also offer superior sound protection and a host of other advantages we discuss below. 

How Effective Are Custom Earplugs?

Custom earplugs are usually made of specially molded silicone material. The idea is to create an earplug that fits snugly in the ear, enhancing noise-cancellation and comfort. Many varieties come with special earwax drainage features that allow wax to continue flaking out of the ear over time. 

Custom earplugs are usually able to reduce incoming noise by 25 to 30 dB – the upper end of the range for earplugs, thanks to their bespoke shape. 

Why Get Custom Earplugs?

So why go to the bother of getting custom earplugs? Why not just use the cheap disposable variety?

Longer Lasting

Regular foam earplugs usually last a week or so before you have to replace them. Individually, they’re cheap. But if you use them day after day, month after month, the costs can rise. Eventually, you get to the stage where it is better value for money buying reusable, custom earplugs that you don’t have to replace every few days. 

More Hygienic

Foam earplugs contain millions of tiny crevices that can harbor bacteria. Over time, they colonize the earplug and your ears, potentially leading to infection.

Custom earplugs, however, don’t use foam. Instead, they rely on other materials with better hygiene profiles, such as silicone. 

Use Them For Any Occasion

There are all kinds of occasions you can use custom earplugs: rock concerts, swimming, playing music or sleeping, making them highly versatile. Just ask your audiologist. 

More Sustainable

Most disposable earplugs are made of materials that will not naturally break down in the ground naturally, so regularly throwing them away contributes to landfill. Custom earplugs, however, last considerably longer, reducing the burden on the environment. 

Better Fit

Manufacturers typically use foam for disposable earplugs because it can expand to plug anyone’s ear canal. However, the cost of this is comfort. The foam pushes out on the walls of the ear canal which can eventually cause a sensation of soreness, particularly after prolonged usage. 

Custom earplugs, however, don’t cause the same issues. Because they are the exact shape of your ear, they don’t put excess pressure on any part of the ear canal wall. 

Easy to Clean

Cleaning a regular foam earplug is almost impossible. Usually, your only option is to throw it away and buy a new one. But because many custom earplugs are made of washable materials, they are much easier to clean. You can get rid of any dirt and bacteria by wiping them down with a cloth or scrubbing them in the sink.