Attending your hearing aid fitting can lead to a combination of excitement and nerves. This is an appointment that will essentially change your life for the better, and allow you to hear properly once more. To ensure you get the most during your hearing aid fitting, consider doing some preparation beforehand, including the following.

Read up on hearing aids

An excellent place to start is by doing a little bit of research on hearing aids and the different varieties out there. This will help you understand more about what they are, what they do and how your life will change when you get yours fitted. It may also help you figure out what settings and features you’re most interested in and should ask your audiologist about.

Ask your audiologist to explain what happens

It’s a lot easier to attend a hearing aid fitting when you have an idea as to what happens during one. Your audiologist will be happy to explain what you can expect during the fitting. It may surprise you to find out that you aren’t simply going to have hearing aids put in your ears. There’s a lot more to it than that, and your audiologist will provide all the details for you so you can be more prepared.

Write down any questions you can think of

Hopefully, your audiologist will be very thorough and should explain everything to you very well when you’re at your hearing aid fitting. But, it still makes sense to have a list of questions to ask them. Our advice is to spend some time composing a list and bringing it on a sheet of paper or having it on your phone. During the fitting, your audiologist will ask if you have any questions. Now, you can look down your list and ask any of the ones that haven’t already been answered. Your questions should involve care and maintenance tips, notes on how to properly insert and remove it and what to do if you experience any issues.

There’s no need to be worried about a hearing aid fitting. It’s a very relaxed appointment, and you will leave in a very positive mood. Remember, this is where your hearing problems essentially get solved for good. You end up with a hearing aid that allows you to turn up the volume of life once more! If you've got a fitting coming up, then we hope our advice will ensure you’re well prepared.