If your audiologist recommends a hearing aid to improve your hearing level, then it’s perfectly normal to have some questions. Remember, audiologists are experts in this area and can walk you through any part of the hearing aid process!

Here are some of the main questions you should ask about hearing aids

Which Type of Hearing Aid Is the Best?

This isn’t as simple a question as you might think. Your audiologist will take many factors into account before recommending a particular type of hearing aid. They will assess your level of hearing loss, your lifestyle and your hobbies before choosing the best one for you. What works for you might not be suitable for someone else. 

How Often Should I Have an Appointment with My Audiologist?

You should treat your audiologist appointments as you would other necessary medical appointments, especially if you have a hearing aid. Your audiologist can ensure that your hearing aid continues to suit your needs, adjust it when necessary and even carry out battery replacement and repairs. 

You’ll also need to have a regular hearing test to see if there has been any change in your level of hearing loss. Your audiologist can tell you exactly how regularly you should be coming in for an appointment. 

How Can I Maintain My Hearing Aids?

To keep your hearing aids in the best possible condition, you’re going to need to look after them. The audiologist can talk to you about safely storing your hearing aids, regular cleaning and any other actions you need to take. 

When Will the Battery Need to Be Replaced? 

Batteries in hearing aids need to be charged regularly but need the right kind of charging equipment to prevent them from being damaged. The type of hearing aid you have will often determine how often your battery needs to be replaced. 

How Long Should I Wear My Hearing Aids?

This really does depend on a few factors, such as how comfortable you are wearing them, which types of sounds they help you to hear and what your lifestyle requires. When determining which hearing aid is right for you, your audiologist can assist you in finding a level that works for you. 

When you are being assessed for hearing aids, it’s important to ask as many questions as you feel necessary in order for you to get the best out of them. There might be a lot of information coming your way, so don’t be afraid to ask again or write down your questions so that you don’t forget any. If you think of something after your visit, then call the office and they will be only too happy to answer your questions.