Hearing loss is a problem that strikes many people for many different reasons. If you’re worried that you’re experiencing hearing loss, you shouldn’t hesitate to visit your audiologist to seek help. We’re going to look at some of the signs to look out for regarding your hearing, as well as some of the treatment options out there if you are experiencing hearing loss issues.

Muffled sounds

Hearing sounds that seem muffled and not as crisp or clear as they once were could be a sign of hearing loss. It suggests that your hearing is deteriorating and lacking the clarity that you want. That muffled sound might not be very noticeable at first, but it can get worse over time, so it’s worth being aware of this problem so you can look out for it.

Difficulty hearing words when there’s background noise

One of the things people often experience when they’re dealing with hearing loss is difficulties hearing what people are saying when there is background noise present. It becomes difficult to separate what you’re trying to listen to from the noise that’s going on in the surrounding area. It’s a typical symptom of profound hearing loss and shouldn’t be ignored.

Having to turn up the volume

One sign that you’re suffering hearing loss is having to turn up the volume when you're listening to music or watching the TV. It’s often the small things like this that alert you to the hearing problems you’re experiencing and cause you to seek out help from an audiologist. It’s something that those around you might notice you doing as well.

Needing to ask others to repeat things

Another everyday sign that you’re experiencing profound hearing loss is needing to ask people to repeat what they said. Not being able to hear what people are saying might not be experienced as a hearing problem by many people at first. Instead, you might just assume that people are talking more quietly but that’s probably not the case.

Your treatment options

Hearing aids

Hearing aids are common solutions to hearing loss problems because they allow the patient to have sounds amplified and boosted. This makes your hearing as strong as it previously was. Hearing aid technology is now better than ever before and there’s so much audiologists can achieve with it.


For some people, hearing aids aren’t enough and a suitable corrective to their hearing loss problems can’t be found. In that case, it’s possible to pursue hearing implants. These are more complex and invasive than hearing aids, but they produce better results and are a lot more powerful. There are various types of implants, including bone anchored implants and cochlear implants.

Drops and Irrigation

Sometimes, it’s simply a case of removing the wax buildup in your ears that is stopping you from hearing properly. Drops can be used to do this, as can irrigation treatment techniques. Irrigation is the process of flushing out the wax using water. Microsuction techniques can also be used to remove excess wax.