There are a lot of false ideas about how hearing aids are programmed and worn. A lot of people think that these appointments are quick and that all the audiologist does is make sure the device stays in the ear. This isn’t true, though, because most appointments last at least an hour, depending on the questions you have. You will learn everything there is to understand about your hearing aid and how to take care of it properly. So, if you want to know everything you need to know about what you will learn during your hearing aid fitting, keep reading.

Testing Your Hearing Aids

Your audiologist is going to test how well you hear with your devices. The goal of this is to find out how loud a sound is that makes you feel uncomfortable and how soft a sound is that you can hear. This is helpful because it gives your audiologist the important information they need to program your hearing device to your specific requirements.

Learn How to Use Your Hearing Aids

The hearing aid fitting is also the perfect time to find out everything you need to know about your hearing aid, how to take care of it and what you can expect from it. During your evaluation, your audiologist will have talked to you about things like features, level of technology and style of hearing aid. Now that you’ve chosen a hearing aid, your audiologist will make sure you know what it can and can’t do during the fitting. They will show you how to use all of the features that come with your device and explain what they do.

Looking After and Maintaining Your Hearing Aids

Your audiologist will also tell you how to take care of your hearing aid properly. They will show you how to keep your hearing aid clean and put it away. They will also tell you what to avoid doing with your hearing aid. After all, you need to take good care of your hearing aid if you want it to last for a long time and help you a lot.

Your audiologist will also talk to you about things like batteries and how to take care of them. This is also a great time to ask any questions you might have. People often write down their questions ahead of time so they don’t forget anything. You can also write down what the audiologist says during your appointment to make sure you don’t forget anything.

You should now have a better idea of what you will learn when you get your hearing aid fitting. A lot of people think this is just a quick appointment where they get their hearing aid and leave, but it is a lot more than that.

Tags: hearing aid fitting tips