It is a sad fact that people suffering from hearing loss literally suffer in silence. It appears to be easier to do nothing and cope with hearing loss than to take a simple step such as schedule a hearing test.

The reasons for this unyieldingness often have to do with appearances or perceptions. People tend to (incorrectly) think using a hearing device will age them or that their hearing isn’t bad enough to seek help at the present time. Nothing could be further from the truth.

A better question to ask is, “Can I afford to ignore the problem?” In most case, the answer is a resounding no, because of the emotional, physical, and financial effects that will result.

Earning Potential

Let’s look at the facts. Statistics show that suffering from mild hearing loss reduces your future earning capacity. The reasons are obvious. If you’re in a meeting and the project budget of $13,000 is announced but you hear $30,000, then there are going to be problems.

This information comes from a statistical analysis of the earnings of people with normal hearing and untreated hearing loss. However, there is good news, because those people who address their hearing needs by fitting a device regain the earning potential they lost.

Risk of Dementia

If money doesn’t motivate you, then perhaps the threat of dementia will. Researchers have identified that people with untreated hearing loss are at greater risk of developing dementia than those with normal hearing.

The link comes from the decrease of sensory input to the brain for those with hearing loss. In other words, it’s a case of ‘use it or lose it’ when it comes to brain processing. The more stimulation the brain receives, the more fit it remains – just like our bodies.

Frustrated Loved Ones

Then there are your loved ones to consider. You may be coping with hearing loss by turning up the volume on the radio, but this might be uncomfortable for your family’s ears and drive them into a different room.

In addition, you can mishear what’s said by your partner, or fail to hear altogether. This is not only frustrating for both parties, but can lead to a lack of intimacy if all conversations are held in a shouting voice. Indeed, if you fail to regularly answer the phone (because you haven’t heard it) this can make friends or relatives less likely to call, which has the effect of making you feel isolated.

Sobering Statistics

If you adopt a ‘wait and see’ attitude with your hearing health, then know you are not alone. The staggering statistic is that most people wait 5 to 15 years before seeking help. These are 5 to 15 years where you could have led a fuller, more involved life by simply using a hearing device. Don’t make that mistake. Schedule a hearing test today.